Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas Already?

I really can't believe Christmas is next week! This entire year has simply flown by! WOW! I'm really excited, and can't wait for Friday (the 19th). The 19th marks the last half day of the semester in our county and the students / teachers will all go home for the holidays. We (teachers) go back the 5th of January, so we have a nice little break. I am extremely thankful for the 2 weeks off. We only have a day and a half to go!

As the year is coming to a close, I am beginning to really buckle down and plan more for the wedding. Up to this point, I have been so overwhelmed by the planning process that I've just kind of put it on the back burner. I know that I (we) have to get it done, but I haven't really wanted to do it. Isn't that awful?! Actually, I don't really see it being a big issue. Things will get done...we will plan - in our own time! I think the most overwhelming thing has been other people trying of offer their thoughts and advice. Ugh...just let us plan our wedding, please! (haha)

Believe it or not, I've actually spent a lot of time looking around online at different weddings to find things I like / dislike. That has really helped a lot because I'm finding that I really want something really simple. We've decided on colors, and now we're working on other things. I'm getting more excited (not that I'm not excited about marrying Aaron - I totally am! :) and ready to plan more and more. I guess it's about time I get ready to plan! :)

If I don't get the chance to talk to you personally, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas! I pray you are blessed this holiday season!


Thursday, November 27, 2008

It's Thanksgiving Day! :)

It's Thanksgiving Day, and that means it's getting close to Christmas (totally excited)!!!! It also means that the end of the semester is almost here. I can look at that in two ways...I am totally psyched about the first. It means I'll have a few weeks break from my 5th grade class / classroom. Though I'll have a lot to plan for, I'll be really glad to have a break. I still can't believe we're almost halfway through the school year. On the other hand, I'm not looking forward to the end of the semester because I am really behind in one of my graduate classes. The instructor didn't give us very many deadlines, so I kind of put the class on the back burner, doing a few things here and there. Our portfolio is due Wednesday, so I'll be spending a good portion of the weekend - and much of Monday to Wednesday evening - working on my portfolio. Fortunately, one of the classes I took was very structured and was developed by a very organized professor. For that, I am thankful. She makes life easier some days. :0) Let's hope I can meet the deadline for the other class!!! ;)

In my last post, I mentioned many things I was thankful for - not that anyone actually read it...I think I'm writing to myself here. I failed to mention how thankful I am for my grandparents and their presence in my life. When I was in tenth grade, my mom came to school to pick me up along with some of my cousins. My dad's father had died from cancer. He had fought it off and on for years; it was ultimately his time to go. I have been very fortunate to have 3 grandparents around for most of my life. My dad's mom has not been doing so well over the last year or so. She has ups and downs quite often. I am so glad that she is still hanging around with all of us crazies! :) She's such a strong woman, and has always been such a great influence in my life. My mom's parents are great. They have always been there to encourage me in school and in my Christian walk. Nanny has been the one to show me what strength really is. She doesn't complain and really tells you what's on her mind. Last year for Christmas, she gave me a picture of her when she was a child. It's funny because I looked a lot like her when I was a kid. She's always told me that, but when she gave me the picture for Christmas, it was like she was giving me a piece of herself...a piece of her heart. I will forever treasure that simple little gift. She is an amazing woman, and I will be grateful for every second she is here with us. I've been really troubled by her condition a lot lately. When I talked to her today, it seemed that she didn't understand most of what I said. She continued to tell me over and over again, "I don't understand what you mean." Even simple makes me sad. I just ask that you pray for my Nanny and my family. There are a lot of people who will be hurt with this g-ma goes home for good. She has 8 children who each have a spouse and most of them have kids. Some of their kids have kids. We're a BIG family! :) I love my family.

Speaking of family - I will be an auntie soon! I cannot wait for Dakota to be here! I hope he decides to make his appearance soon! :) Woohoo!

If you're (whoever you might be - please let me know if you DO read this! :) still reading, I want to wish you a very happy Thanksgiving! I hope you have been and will continue to be blessed!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Why are you thankful?

I absolutely love the holiday season. I look forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas every year! The sites, the smells, the music, the family visits...I could go on and on. Here we are. It is the the week of Thanksgiving. I cannot believe it is already here! I love that we celebrate Thanksgiving because it reminds me to think of all the good things in my life. It's so easy to focus on all that I'm unhappy with, but remembering the good things really makes life seem so much better than it already is. If I could just remember to think of those things more often! :)

This year, I am thankful for...

* knowing I am loved by my Creator! He made me just the way He wanted and loves me more than I could ever love another.

* the wonderful family I have been blessed with. I am thankful that my parents made me mind when I was a child, and that I have great memories of home because of my parents. I am glad my parents introduced me to Jesus Christ when I was a child, for who would I be without Him? I am blessed.

* the love that I share with my fiance, Aaron. I never imagined I'd love someone as much as I love him. I cannot imagine my life without him. He is an amazing man, and I am beyond blessed to have him in my life. I love you, Sparky!

* having a job that I love. There are days when I feel that I am not making a difference at all, and there are days when I feel like I'm on top of the world. No matter how I feel, I am working to make a change in the lives of these children. I strive to bring forth a love of learning that I hope they will pick up and run with. I know they can is my job to help them see that as well.

* my brother and sister-in-law. I love them dearly. They are the best!

* the upcoming birth of my first nephew, baby Dakota! He will be here soon! I love him so much already! His auntie sure can't wait for him to be here!

* the friends who have been there through the good and bad. I don't know where I'd be without you guys!

* the family I will gain when Aaron and I are married. I love you guys already!

* the relatively good health I have had this school year. I have been sick far less this school year than the previous (my first) year. They always say it gets better after the first year, and boy are they right.

* not having to deal with blood pressure issues as much. Granted, I'm still taking medicine each day, but I am not seeing a doctor as often.

* each and every person who serves in our armed forces. God bless each and every one of you.

* good books, good movies, and good football. (getting a little more relaxed here...)

* hot chocolate, Mountain Dew, and good ol' clean water to drink.

* having a home to live in rather than living on the streets.

* the smiles on friendly faces at work.

* my car that gets me back and forth (and heats me up on the cool mornings!).

* the love that I feel each and every day.

There are so many things I am thankful for. It would literally take days to write it all down. I hope you can think of something you are thankful for this year! Please have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. :)

So...what are you thankful for? Please feel free to share!!! I want to hear from you!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Quilt Giveaway

Check it out! One of the most beautiful quilts I have ever seen is being given away...check it out here at Pigtails and Snails. Is it not beautiful?!?!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Less than a year!

We are now within a year of our wedding. Just barely, but a year it is! :) October 10, 2009, we will be Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Alexander. I cannot begin to explain how excited I am. This next week is Fall Break for me at school, so I hope to be able to do some looking around at different places around town. I want to visit different venues, flower shops, party stores, and also try on some dresses. Hopefully, I will be able to get some of these things in over the course of the week.
We are talking through colors for the wedding right now. We went to the mall to walk around with Adam and Amber yesterday and many of the windows were filled with the beautiful colors of fall. I think I'm really leaning towards the oranges and reds. I just don't know how much of each I want to incorporate into the wedding. Good thing we have a year...

Monday, October 6, 2008

Flowers, flowers, everywhere...

Aaron and I have been talking flowers tonight. For me to begin thinking about colors for the wedding, I'd really like to have some ideas for the flowers. Calla Lilies, so far, have looked the best to me. They have a simple elegance about them. Even better, they are my favorite flowers! Since the wedding will be in the fall, we want to incorporate the different elements of fall into the wedding and that includes the colors. We love the deep reds, browns, and oranges. We shall see where this leads. I'm getting excited...I wish the wedding could be this October. :)

September 19, 2008

It seems like it was so long ago (though only 2 weeks), but I am still "flying high" from a great engagement night. Aaron and I went on our first date again on September 19, 2008. It was then, after dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory and walking around the park at the Parthenon, that Aaron proposed. It was quite simple, yet something I will remember forever. Sitting on a park bench, his arm around me, and a ring box passed to my hand with such a sweet proposal to follow. I am loved by the most amazing man in the world. This blog will begin the journey of planning our wedding. I am truly excited about this adventure, but feeling quite overwhelmed. There are so many decisions and so much to do. Come along...enjoy the ride with me. Let's plan a wedding!