Wednesday, May 27, 2009

May 27, 2009

Well, I have officially been free for 2 full days (excluding the holiday). The first few days of summer break have been fantastic! I have not used an alarm clock since Friday (PTL!) and have been able to rest as much as I wanted. Aaron and I hung out at the Renaissance Festival on Monday. We had a good time together. He normally works at the festival, but with his normal work schedule was not able to do so this year or last. I was excited to be able to experience the festival with him because he knows the good shows, the good vendors, and what to do to have a good time! We slept until midmorning and then drove out to the festival where we spent the remainder of the day. The night was topped off with a great dinner at Macaroni Grill. It was a good day.
I've caught myself saying, over the last two days, that I am bored. My goodness...two days out of school and I'm already bored. I think I'm just not used to having free time. This has happened the last couple of years. I just don't know what to do with myself when I have a lot of free time. Yesterday was probably one of the best days so far. Aaron and I lounged around the house all day long. We didn't do much of anything. We went to get groceries early in the day and watched tv, watched videos on the computer and just spent time together. It's the little things that make me happy...spending the day together doing nothing doesn't seem all that grand, but being able to spend the time together at all is a blessing in itself! I love him with all that I am, and I'm so thankful he is in my life.
I have professional development for the next two days, so that should be fun. I'm moving to fourth grade next year and am ready to prepare for the year. I have already been making goals for myself and for my classroom. Even though the summer has just begun, I am already thinking about next year. This will be my 3rd full year in the classroom, so I want it to be the very best of them all so far!
What's most exciting about this school year is that my name will change 2 months after school begins! I cannot wait until I am his wife!
Well, I think I have rambled on enough for now. There's nothing really important in this post. I just felt the need to write today.
Happy Hump Day! It doesn't really feel like a Wednesday, does it? Guess it's the long weekend.