Thursday, October 16, 2008

Quilt Giveaway

Check it out! One of the most beautiful quilts I have ever seen is being given away...check it out here at Pigtails and Snails. Is it not beautiful?!?!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Less than a year!

We are now within a year of our wedding. Just barely, but a year it is! :) October 10, 2009, we will be Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Alexander. I cannot begin to explain how excited I am. This next week is Fall Break for me at school, so I hope to be able to do some looking around at different places around town. I want to visit different venues, flower shops, party stores, and also try on some dresses. Hopefully, I will be able to get some of these things in over the course of the week.
We are talking through colors for the wedding right now. We went to the mall to walk around with Adam and Amber yesterday and many of the windows were filled with the beautiful colors of fall. I think I'm really leaning towards the oranges and reds. I just don't know how much of each I want to incorporate into the wedding. Good thing we have a year...

Monday, October 6, 2008

Flowers, flowers, everywhere...

Aaron and I have been talking flowers tonight. For me to begin thinking about colors for the wedding, I'd really like to have some ideas for the flowers. Calla Lilies, so far, have looked the best to me. They have a simple elegance about them. Even better, they are my favorite flowers! Since the wedding will be in the fall, we want to incorporate the different elements of fall into the wedding and that includes the colors. We love the deep reds, browns, and oranges. We shall see where this leads. I'm getting excited...I wish the wedding could be this October. :)

September 19, 2008

It seems like it was so long ago (though only 2 weeks), but I am still "flying high" from a great engagement night. Aaron and I went on our first date again on September 19, 2008. It was then, after dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory and walking around the park at the Parthenon, that Aaron proposed. It was quite simple, yet something I will remember forever. Sitting on a park bench, his arm around me, and a ring box passed to my hand with such a sweet proposal to follow. I am loved by the most amazing man in the world. This blog will begin the journey of planning our wedding. I am truly excited about this adventure, but feeling quite overwhelmed. There are so many decisions and so much to do. Come along...enjoy the ride with me. Let's plan a wedding!