Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas Already?

I really can't believe Christmas is next week! This entire year has simply flown by! WOW! I'm really excited, and can't wait for Friday (the 19th). The 19th marks the last half day of the semester in our county and the students / teachers will all go home for the holidays. We (teachers) go back the 5th of January, so we have a nice little break. I am extremely thankful for the 2 weeks off. We only have a day and a half to go!

As the year is coming to a close, I am beginning to really buckle down and plan more for the wedding. Up to this point, I have been so overwhelmed by the planning process that I've just kind of put it on the back burner. I know that I (we) have to get it done, but I haven't really wanted to do it. Isn't that awful?! Actually, I don't really see it being a big issue. Things will get done...we will plan - in our own time! I think the most overwhelming thing has been other people trying of offer their thoughts and advice. Ugh...just let us plan our wedding, please! (haha)

Believe it or not, I've actually spent a lot of time looking around online at different weddings to find things I like / dislike. That has really helped a lot because I'm finding that I really want something really simple. We've decided on colors, and now we're working on other things. I'm getting more excited (not that I'm not excited about marrying Aaron - I totally am! :) and ready to plan more and more. I guess it's about time I get ready to plan! :)

If I don't get the chance to talk to you personally, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas! I pray you are blessed this holiday season!
