Monday, March 23, 2009

A little winded...

Do you ever feel like someone made you laugh and then punched you in the stomach just to make you lose every single breath you had inside? That's how I feel today. There are some things I've been looking forward to over the course of the last few months, and it seems that those things have been taken away rather quickly. I won't get into details because it's really not that big a deal. I just wish that people wouldn't get my hopes up if there is a chance it's all going to turn around and change again. This is the second time this exact same situation has happened. I'm beginning to get really frustrated about it and am honestly beginning to just not care about certain things anymore. This is really bugging me right now, but it'll all be ok. I just needed to vent and this seemed like an ok place...talking to no one in particular, but getting the words out. Now I'm going to the Y to walk it off. We'll see how tomorrow goes.

Friday, March 6, 2009

My week in review...

I'm sitting at my desk now, thinking about all of the things I'll need to do this weekend...and trying to figure out the best way to go about it all and succeed! This week has seemed pretty hectic, but hasn't really been. Here are a few highlights (I guess you'd say) from my week:
  • On Sunday, I was able to accomplish something quite simple, yet terribly hard for me. I tried (and succeeded) to be really nice to some people I really didn't want to be nice to. Sometimes it's really hard to do that, but it just seemed like the thing to do. What would I have accomplished had I had an attitude or was rude to them? That's right...nothing!
  • I had a post-conference (follow-up after an evaluation) with one of my supervisors this week. She was very positive and told me I was right on track and, in fact, excelling in my position. Whew! She noticed lots of good things I hadn't thought about, so that was nice!
  • I have been watching a lot of tv and movies recently. I'm learning about new things that I like and things I'd just prefer not to see.
  • I finally finished reading Inkheart, so I watched the preview for the movie. Definitely not the same. When it says it's based on the story, it means LOOSELY based on the story. Only small parts are taken from the book, but most of it takes the story in a different direction. Kind of disappointing. No need to see the movie now. :)
  • I'm ready to start the second book in the series by Cornelia Funke. I'm beginning to really like her as an author. We will be starting another one of her books in class next week, "Ghosthunters and the Incredibly Revolting Ghost." My kids seemed pretty excited about it today.
  • This week was Read Across America week. We celebrated by wearing different themed items each day of the week (with picture day stuck in there as well). The kids enjoyed it for the most part. Not as many participated as I had expected. I read several Dr. Seuss books to the class, we had a special guest on Wednesday, and went this morning to read to one of the first grade classes. They loved being able to spend time with the younger kids and read to them. They did an awesome job. I'm proud! We also wrote about our favorite books and drew pictures of the setting and characters to go with the writing. See the photo above for the wall display! :)
  • I found out that the photographer I was looking at for the wedding didn't have my date available. Now we're moving on to talk with some other people and check out some new artists. We shall see.
  • I've been thinking a lot about joinging the YMCA. I'd really like to go and workout some in the afternoons after school or in the morning before I come into work. I'm kind of struggling with the decision to join because of the fees because I'm not really sure if I'd use it like I should. Grrr. That's something to think about.
Well, I'm sure there's more going on, but that's all for now. I really need to get some work done before I head home so it all doesn't have to come home with me. I would definitely like to enjoy my weekend.

Happy Friday!