Monday, March 23, 2009

A little winded...

Do you ever feel like someone made you laugh and then punched you in the stomach just to make you lose every single breath you had inside? That's how I feel today. There are some things I've been looking forward to over the course of the last few months, and it seems that those things have been taken away rather quickly. I won't get into details because it's really not that big a deal. I just wish that people wouldn't get my hopes up if there is a chance it's all going to turn around and change again. This is the second time this exact same situation has happened. I'm beginning to get really frustrated about it and am honestly beginning to just not care about certain things anymore. This is really bugging me right now, but it'll all be ok. I just needed to vent and this seemed like an ok place...talking to no one in particular, but getting the words out. Now I'm going to the Y to walk it off. We'll see how tomorrow goes.

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