Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Three Day Weeks and Bridesmaid Dresses

This week started out as a four day week - we were off on Monday for President's Day. It was nice to have the day off. The previous week was a short week as well because we had Parent-Teacher Conferences, but this one was better because we actually had the day off. I can't lie...I do love having a day off!
Since we had the day off on Monday, I made an appointment with the girls to go and check out some dresses for the wedding. Some days I absolutely hate wedding planning, but other times I LOVE it! Monday was one of those days...the girls really made me feel a lot better about my ideas! Thanks guys!
Tuesday was back to school for a tough day of work. I started feeling bad Monday afternoon and just got to the point on Tuesday that it literally hurt to stand up. Thank goodness my 5th graders are understanding! They're awesome like that! I sat down more than I ever do when I teach, but they worked just as hard! I ended up having a sub today though because I was still hurting when I left yesterday. Thank goodness they called a sub because I was hurting today as well. Even though I don't really feel like going back tomorrow, it looks like I'll be going just for my kids...I can't stand it when they have a sub who should not even be in a classroom in the first place! I can't handle it for even one more day! Hopefully I'll be feeling at least a little better by morning and can make it ok through the next 2 days.
So, the dresses I have picked for the wedding are red. We've gone through many different colors so far for the wedding, but I think the girls pretty much confirmed the color when they put those dresses on in the Apple color! If you want to see the dress, you can go here. I also ordered the dress (the one on the right) for my precious little flower girl. She looks so sweet in the little dress. I am so excited that that much is done! I'm looking forward to the planning we have left to do - there's so much!!!
I've also been moving through three different phases in the past few months - "I want a baby." was first, "I want a puppy" obviously came second, and now I'm in "house" mode! I'm really not crazy! I promise. I have been ready to have a baby since 2006 and I love animals, but I am stuck in house mode because I'm thinking about what would be most reasonable with us still on the road to wedding day. I've been looking at houses like crazy and I really hope something comes from my looking this time. I guess we'll see.

Have a great week!

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